

Frequently Asked Questions

It might happen for various reasons, but the most common one – your anti-virus (almost solely on Windows) deleted some files that NUO-STEMS installed.
To fix it there are 2 options:

  1. Disable anti-virus & re-install NUO-STEMS
  2. Download & place necessary files manually
    1. Download installation archive:
      1. For example, for version 3.0.0 it is: https://nuo-stems.fra1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/nuo-stems-3-3.0.0-x64.nsis.7z
      2. If you use another version – replace “3.0.0” with the version you’re using
    2. Extract it
    3. Place the “extraResources” folder (inside the “resources” folder) here: C:\Users\%YOUR_USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\NUO-STEMS-3\resources\extraResources
  3. If issue is still present:
    1. restart NUO-STEMS
    2. press “Start Processing”
    3. wait for it to get “stuck” on whatever % it gets stuck for you
    4. wait 5 more minutes
    5. Go to “Settings” -> “Advanced” -> “Open Logs”
    6. Send me “main.log” file from the folder that opened
In case you have issues with the second option – feel free to write me here
Why it happens?
Windows Defender. NUO-STEMS is not “signed” on Windows because it’s incredible hard to obtain “EV Certificate”. You need to have a company, various checks etc. At some point I tried to do that, but failed due to being situated in Ukraine. There are no such issues on Mac OS – everything is properly signed there.

First of all, here is the fix to Stem Creator to make it work with latest versions of Mac OS: link

Secondly, here is the reason why “not”:
Mostly because of “compressor” & “limiter” that are present in Stem Creator. It looks like some VST magic that NI built into Stem Creator to provide real-time feedback. I’m not familiar with this technology, so your best luck remains with Stem Creator 🙂

There might be few potential causes:

  1. Your computer is not connected to the internet. NUO-STEMS requires internet connection on the startup to check the license.
  2. Your provider/system/WiFi-router blocks https://nuo-stems.com from being reachable.
    1. Restart computer
    2. Restart WiFi router
    3. Launch NUO-STEMS
  3. Windows PowerShell is for some reason “broken” on your computer
    1. Follow this guide to fix it: link

If you want to transfer license to new computer – you need to send me:

  1. Your email that you used for purchase
  2. New computer uuid – https://nuo-stems.com/uuid

Try deleting these folders and then start NUO-STEMS again:

  1. On Windows:
    1. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\NUO-STEMS 3
    2. And also remove: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\NUO-STEMS 3
  2. On Mac OS:
    1. /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/nuo-stems-3/

If it doesn’t help:

  1. Launch NUO-STEMS and let it “crash”
  2. Send me main.log file from:
    1. Windows logs location: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\nuo-stems-3\logs\main.log
    2. Mac OS logs location: /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Logs/nuo-stems-3/main.log

Solution: change Preferred Algorithm in “Settings” from MPS to CPU.

One license is only for one computer.
If you want to transfer your license to another computer – see license transferring section above 🙂